Commissioning & Operational Readiness Review Mode
After a Commissioning & Operational Readiness Assessment has been completed, it can be reviewed from the Review Mode.
The Assessment Review Mode allows users to view the assessment details in a read-only view. This is the primary view accessible to Stakeholder users, and can also be accessed by users with Facilitator and Admin roles.
This view is beneficial to facilitators and project leaders who can easily present assessment results to a group and quickly respond to questions by drilling down into sections, categories and elements/factors to provide more detail.
Accessing Assessment Review
The Assessment Review feature is accessed by:
1) Clicking on the project to view related assessments
2) Clicking on the assessment name (Commissioning) to enter review mode.
Viewing Assessments from the Project Dashboard
Assessment Summary Dashboard (Commissioning)
Within a Commissioning & Operational Readiness Assessment, users can view the following assessment summary pages:
- Session Summary: a visual comparison of the project score to industry/internal benchmarks, alongside the session details and the Executive Summary.
Commissioning Session Summary
- Readiness Chart
- Missing Factors
- Assessment. A read-only view of all factor answers, comments, and action items.
- Action Items
- Attendees

Users cannot edit information on this dashboard. Any changes must be made from within the Assessment (Prepare link)
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