PDRI Scores

PDRI Scores

Each PDRI element is assigned a definition level between 1 (completely defined) to 5 (undefined). Elements that are not applicable are scored 0 and excluded from the total calculation. Each element’s definition level corresponds to a score based on its relative risk to project performance. The rollup of all element scores provides a PDRI total score between 70 to 1,000 points. 

PDRI total score will decrease as scope definition increases during front end planning of a project. CII recommends projects proceeding to detailed design and execution achieve a PDRI-3 score of less than 200 for optimal cost and schedule performance, as shown in the table below.

PDRI Score Ranges by Front End Planning Stage

End of Feasibility
End of Concept
Detailed Scope
End of Detailed Scope
Target score < 200

For small industrial and infrastructure projects, using the applicable PDRI templates, the target scores are shown in the table below.

PDRI Score Ranges for Small Industrial or Infrastructure Projects by Front End Planning Stage
Early Review
Final Review
Detailed Scope

In Carve, the score is displayed on the Summary Tab, as illustrated below.

PDRI Score displayed on the PDRI Assessment Summary Tab (Carve for PDRI)

Scoring for PDRI MATRS

For larger industrial projects, an additional scoring index can be applied called PDRI MATRS (Maturity and Accuracy Total Rating System). PDRI MATRS is an extension of PDRI that assesses both the maturity 
and accuracy of FEED in large, complex industrial projects

Maturity Score

There are 46 of 70 elements that are directly related to FEED. They span all three sections of the PDRI Industrial template and maintain the same weightings and definition level values as the standard PDRI Industrial template. The normalization formula transforms the PDRI score of these elements into a Maturity percentage. higher maturity score indicates better scope definition. By the end of Detailed Scope (Phase 3), the target score is 80% or higher.

Accuracy Score

The Accuracy score is determined by a fourth section of the assessment which evaluates how the work gets done, with a focus on the people, teams, processes and resources that contribute to a mature FEED (Front End Engineering Design). The Accuracy section contains 27 factors organized into four categories. The target score at the end of Detailed Scope (Phase 3) is 76%. The higher the score, the better.

In Carve for PDRI, the MATRS score is displayed on the Summary Tab as illustrated below.

PDRI MATRS Score on the Assessment Summary Tab (Carve for PDRI, Industrial Template)

If just the Accuracy Section is used (e.g. for Buildings, Infrastructure or Manufacturing & Life Sciences projects, the Accuracy score is displayed on the Summary Tab as illustrated in the image below.

Accuracy Score on the Assessment Summary Tab (Carve for PDRI Buildings v4.1, Infrastructure v4.1, Manufacturing & Life Sciences v1.1)

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