PDRI Structure

PDRI Structure

PDRI assessments are organized into three sections for systematic assessment of the:
  1. Basis of project decision - the business objectives and drivers 
  2. Basis of design - processes and technical information required 
  3. Execution approach - for executing the project construction and closeout
Each section is broken down into categories and elements. The element is the lowest level of the index where the assessment of scope definition is conducted.
The categories and elements vary depending on which PDRI assessment template is being used:
  1. PDRI Industrial
  2. PDRI Buildings
  3. PDRI Infrastructure
  4. PDRI Manufacturing & Life Sciences
  5. PDRI Mining
For larger projects, a fourth ”Accuracy” section can be used to evaluate how the work gets done, with a focus on the people, teams, processes and resources that contribute to a mature FEED (Front End Engineering Design). Learn more about PDRI MATRS

The Accuracy section is available for the following templates:
  1. PDRI Industrial
  2. PDRI Buildings
  3. PDRI Infrastructure
  4. PDRI Manufacturing & Life Sciences
Please contact Valency Support for access to these templates

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