Scoring PDRI Elements

Scoring PDRI Elements

Each PDRI Element is scored on a scale of 0 - 5.
  1. 0 - Not Applicable
  2. 1 - Complete Definition
  3. 2 - Minor Gaps
  4. 3 - Some Gaps
  5. 4 - Major Gaps
  6. 5 - Incomplete or Poor Definition
These definition levels can be seen by hovering over each number, as shown in the image below.

Scoring Elements in Facilitation View
Scoring Elements in Facilitation View

Once the facilitator selects an element score, the view will automatically advance to the next active element, unless it is the last element in the section. Any element marked as excluded is automatically skipped. Use the Done button to exit the facilitation view.

Use the same scoring process for each PDRI section. Within PDRI MATRS Industrial 5.0 assessments, there is a fourth section on Accuracy that needs to be completed. 

Definition Level Descriptions (PDRI MATRS Industrial 5.0 template)

In the past, achieving consistency in how PDRI facilitators scored PDRI elements was challenging. To improve scoring consistency, the PDRI MATRS Industrial 5.0 template includes definition level descriptions developed by CII that clearly state each level’s associated criteria.

To access these definition level descriptions from the facilitation view in Carve, select the question mark icon. 

Definition Level Descriptions in Facilitation View (PDRI MATRS Industrial)Definition Level Descriptions in Facilitation View (PDRI MATRS Industrial)

Selecting the questions mark icon will open another window that compares two definition levels at a time. This will help the project team arrive at a consensus and achieve scoring consistency. 

Definition Level Descriptions (PDRI MATRS Industrial)Definition Level Descriptions (PDRI MATRS Industrial)

Click the X in the top right corner to close the detailed descriptions window.

Custom Definition Level Descriptions

Custom definition level descriptions can be used within Professional and Enterprise companies for all PDRI templates. By default, elements will use the standard definition levels for scoring PDRI elements.  However, Company Admin and Business Admin users can add company-specific detailed element-level scoring descriptions for any elements were clarity or consistency in scoring has been challenging. These custom descriptions can be entered within the Manage Templates section within the Admin tab.  These custom descriptions can be accessed through the facilitation view, as shown in the images below.

Select the question mark icon to view the custom definition level descriptions. 

Custom Definition Level Descriptions (PDRI Buildings template)Custom Definition Level Descriptions (PDRI Buildings template)

Custom Definition Level Descriptions (PDRI Buildings template)Custom Definition Level Descriptions (PDRI Buildings template)

Click the X in the top right corner to close the definition level descriptions window.

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