For organizations with a significant number of projects and assessments, the ability to sort and filter projects allows organizations to gain important insights and analyze data efficiently.
Sort by
By default, the Carve project dashboard is sorted alphabetically by project name.
However, the Carve project dashboard may also be sorted by:
- Date
- Risk
To sort by date or risk, use the Sort By dropdown found at the top of the Carve project dashboard:
Carve Project Dashboard Sort By Dropdown
By default, the Carve project dashboard shows open projects. However, the Carve project dashboard can also be set to show all projects (open and closed projects) or only closed projects.
To change which projects are shown, use the Show dropdown found at the top of the Carve project dashboard:
Carve Project Dashboard Show Dropdown
Filter by
By default, the Carve project dashboard shows all of the projects in all of the portfolios. To filter projects by portfolio, select the desired Portfolio from the dropdown list. The dashboard will automatically filter.
Carve Project Dashboard Portfolio Dropdown
Additional Project Criteria
To filter by additional project criteria:
1. Select Show Advanced Criteria
2. Click Add Condition
3. Choose your desired search criteria
4. Click Search
Add Advanced Criteria
Available search criteria includes:
- Template Type (PDRI - Industrial, PDRI - Building, Construction Readiness, Construction Readiness - Smaller Projects, Commissioning, etc.).

The PDRI Template Types show all versions of that particular assessment. For example, the PDRI - Industrial template type filter will display assessments across 3.8, 4.0, and PDRI MATRS 5.0.
- Gate (drop-down list assigned based on template assigned to the portfolio, e.g. Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) 1, 2, 2i, 3)
- Commissioning Phase (For companies with Commissioning & Operational Readiness enabled)
- Date range
- Project Status (defined by organization, e.g. feasibly, concept, detailed scope)
- Assessment Template
- Assessment Status (Posted, Shared, Created, Imported, Conflict)
- Project Manager
- Facilitator
- Client Name
- Client ID
- Project Name
- Project ID
- Project Type
- Project Location
Users can add as many conditions as required. Each condition is evaluated as an “AND” statement. In the example below, only projects from the “Building Projects” portfolio with a PDRI 3 assessment AND client name containing “Waterloo” will be displayed.
Adding Multiple Search Conditions
The user can hide the advanced criteria fields by clicking on the
“Hide Advanced Criteria” field. Once
hidden, a condensed description of the advanced criteria is displayed so the
user is clear on the advanced criteria that have been applied.
Select Clear to return to the default project dashboard view.
Condensed View of Search Criteria
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