PDRI Accuracy Section

PDRI Accuracy Section

Accuracy Factors

The Accuracy section was introduced in 2019 with the Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) MATRS Industrial 5.0 template. This new section focuses on assessing "how the work got done" with elements relating to the leadership team, project execution team, and the processes and resources that create an environment where a mature scope definition is achieved.

Results from the past two years have shown:
  1. Broad applicability for any large project team, regardless of sector.
  2. The findings are powerful leading indicator on the quality of deliverables.   
As such, we've added the Accuracy section to the PDRI templates typically used with larger projects:
  1. PDRI Buildings 4.1
  2. PDRI Manufacturing & Life Sciences 1.1
  3. PDRI Infrastructure 4.1
When creating an assessment, the user may have two options in the ‘Template’ field. The latest version contains the Accuracy section (depending on the templates your Company Admin has activated)
Select Template with Accuracy Factors (PDRI)

      Select Template with Accuracy Factors (PDRI)
Within a project, you cannot mix templates. Meaning, if you used the previous template version for your PDRI 1 you cannot apply the ‘new’ template to your next assessment for that project (PDRI 2, 2i or 3), you will only have the option to select the same template used in the previous assessment.
Within the assessment, the Accuracy section is displayed after the Execution Approach section.

Accuracy Tab in Buildings Template (PDRI)

      Accuracy Tab in Buildings Template (PDRI)

Once all four sections are completed, the Summary tab will show the Accuracy score. The Accuracy Score is based on CII research results and is displayed as a percentage. The target Accuracy score at the end of Detailed Scope (Phase 3) is 76%. The higher the score, the better.

Accuracy Score Displayed in Summary Tab

      Accuracy Score Displayed in Summary Tab

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