Commissioning Readiness Chart

Commissioning Readiness Chart

Depending on the Readiness Type selected on the Session Details tab, 1 of 2 readiness charts will be displayed:
  1. Transition Readiness Chart
  2. Overall Readiness Chart
To change what chart is displayed on this page, the Readiness Type on the Session Details tab can be edited at any point.

Transition Readiness

The Transition Readiness chart shows how ready the project team is to move on to the next Commissioning phase. The readiness chart contains the following features:
  1. Six chevrons, each representing a Commissioning phase. The length of each chevron reflects the number of factors included within the category.
  2. The current Commissioning phase.
  3. The transition readiness for the next Commissioning phase.
  4. The transition readiness is also reflected by the coloured shading in the current Commissioning phase's chevron. These colours can be customized as required.

Commissioning Transition Readiness ChartCommissioning Transition Readiness Chart

Overall Readiness

The Overall Readiness chart displays the overall readiness of the project, across all Commissioning phases. This readiness chart contains the following features:
  1. Radar chart with points for each of the 6 Commissioning phases.
  2. Map of how the current review and previous review (if applicable) scores match against the target scores for each category. Targets can be customized as required. Hover over the current review and the previous review to highlight these sections on the chart.

Commissioning Overall Readiness ChartCommissioning Overall Readiness Chart

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