Delete Assessments

Delete Assessments

Assessments can be deleted by Company Admin, Business Admin, and Stakeholder users. These deleted assessments can then be restored or permanently deleted for 30 days after being deleted by a Company Admin user.
For details on deleting projects, please view the Delete Projects article.

Delete Assessments

To delete an assessment:
  1. Locate the project that the assessment is contained within.
  2. Click on the project name to view the list of assessments.
  3. Click on the drop-down to the right of the assessment to be deleted.
  4. Select Delete.
  5. Click Delete on the confirmation popup window.

Delete AssessmentDelete Assessment

Restore Deleted Assessments

Once an assessment has been deleted, it will show in red on the Carve project dashboard of the Company Admin user. Deleted assessments do not show on the Carve project dashboard for Business Admin, Facilitators, and Stakeholder users. Only Company Admin users are able to restore these deleted assessments.
Deleted Assessment on Carve Project Dashboard - Company Admin ViewDeleted Assessment on Carve Project Dashboard - Company Admin View

To restore a deleted assessment:
  1. Select Restore from the dropdown arrow beside the deleted assessment.
  2. Click Restore on the confirmation popup.
Restore a Deleted AssessmentRestore a Deleted Assessment

Once the assessment has been restored, it will re-appear on the Carve project dashboard for all Carve users.
If you are a Business Admin or Facilitator user and have accidentally deleted an assessment, please contact your Company Admin to restore the assessment.

Permanently Delete Assessments

Company Admin users can permanently delete assessments. Once an assessment is permanently deleted, it can no longer be restored. 

To permanently delete assessments:
  1. Select Delete Permanently from the dropdown arrow beside the deleted assessment.
  2. Click Delete on the confirmation popup.
Please note that if an assessment is not permanently deleted or restored within 30 days, it will be automatically permanently deleted from the system.

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