Enter Construction Readiness Assessment Attendees

Enter Construction Readiness Assessment Attendees

Knowing who attended the Construction Readiness Assessment (CRA) can provide insight on the CRA score. For example, if a key project stakeholder was not able to attend the CRA, it may impact the overall score for their area(s) of expertise. Make note of key stakeholders who were not able to attend the CRA .

Import Attendees

Please refer to the Import Attendees article for full details on how to upload attendee information through a CSV file.

Add New Attendees

  1. From the Attendees tab, select Create Attendee.
  2. On the Create Attendee pop-up enter the following information:
    1. Name (required)
    2. Organization – often front-end planning teams include team members from several organizations (e.g. owner, design contractor, consultant)
    3. Role – enter the attendee’s project role (this may or may not be their their job title at their organization)
    4. Contact
    5. Email
  3. Click Save
Add an AttendeeAdd an Attendee

Edit and Delete Attendees

To edit attendee information:
  1. From the Attendees tab, select the down arrow beside the name of the attendee to be edited.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Update the required fields.
  4. Click Save.
To delete an attendee: 
  1. From the Attendees tab, select the down arrow beside the name of the attendee to be edited.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Select OK to confirm the deletion.

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