Import Attendees

Import Attendees

Attendees for PDRI, Construction Readiness, and Commissioning & Operational Readiness assessments can be imported using a CSV file. 

If there are attendees in the uploaded CSV file that already exist in the Attendees list (same email address), the existing attendees will be updated with the new information.

Import Attendees

  1.  From the Attendees tab, select Import Attendees.
  2. On the Import Attendees popup, click the Select File button to select the CSV file with the attendees to be imported.
    1. The CSV file must be formatted with columns for Name, Organization, Role, Contact, and Email. Only the Name field is mandatory, the rest of the fields are optional and can be left blank.
    2. An Import Attendee template can be downloaded and used to ensure proper formatting.
  3. Once a file is selected, click the Import button.
After attendees have been imported, a popup message will outline how many attendees were added and updated.

Ensure that the file you upload has a .csv extension. If you use Excel, you can do this by navigating to File > Save As, then setting the File Format field to “Comma Separated Values (.csv)”.

For more information about adding attendees, please refer to the following articles:
  1. Enter PDRI Assessment Attendees
  2. Enter Construction Readiness Assessment Attendees
  3. Enter Commissioning & Operational Readiness Assessment Attendees

Common Import Errors

An error message will appear if the attendee import was unsuccessful. Common import errors include:

  1. A CSV file has not been selected. To resolve this issue, confirm that you have selected a CSV file before selecting the Import button
Error: Specify file to import

  1. 'Name" field not specified on CSV file. This error message specifies how many rows on the CSV file are missing data in the 'Name' field. To resolve this issue, confirm that each attendee line on the CSV file has a name in the 'Name' field. Fill in the missing field before re-uploading the CSV file.
Error: Mandatory field 'Name' wasn't specifed

  1. Unsupported file format. This error message occurs when a file other than a CSV file is uploaded. To resolve this issue, upload your file as a CSV file. To convert an Excel file to CSV, navigate to the File tab within the Excel document, select Save As, and then set the file format to "Comma Separated Values (.csv)".
Error: Unsupported file format

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