How Portfolio Scores are Calculated and Benchmarked
Portfolios are created in Carve to group projects for analysis. A portfolio can include projects of multiple assessment types to organize projects and manage user access. Portfolios are assigned by the Admin or Facilitator. A portfolio of projects can be used to compare projects within the portfolio or compare against CII benchmarks.
To add a project’s assessment score to the portfolio average score it must be assigned to the correct portfolio and “published” to the portfolio. These functionalities are available to the facilitator or an admin.
Review this article on how to publish assessments to a portfolio.
To remove a Published Assessment from a Portfolio
- Click on Projects from the top bar
- Identify the project containing the assessment to publish and click on the project name
- Identify the project assessment, click on the down arrow on the right and select exclude from portfolio.
Exclude an assessment from portfolio analysis
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