Modifying Construction Readiness (CRA) Score Ranges and Associated Colours

Modifying Construction Readiness (CRA) Score Ranges and Associated Colours

It is possible to modify the default colour representing the project score and the numerical range for that colour, and the number of intervals included. The default in Carve compares the project score to the Construction Industry Institute (CII) Industry Standard.  

Admin users can also adjust the category-level target scores for the Construction Readiness Assessment. They can be higher or lower than the overall scoring guidelines. 
To modify the numerical ranges attributed to specific colours:
  1. From the Admin Tab, select CRA Score Range.
  2. From the Template drop-down menu, select the template for which the colour and ranges will be modified. 
  3. To create a new range entry, click the Create range entry button. Chose a Category, the desired score range, and colour (as shown below).  
  4. To modify an existing range, click on the row you wish to modify and the editable row will appear at the top of the screen (below the template selector).  
  5. Click Save.
Ensure you have ranges that cover all scores between “0%” to “100%” inclusive. Changes to the colours will apply to all projects past and future, for the template you have modified.

Edit Score Ranges and Colours (CRA)Edit Score Ranges and Colours (CRA)

The colour range and score indicators will reflect the defined score ranges. However; the changes made do not affect the calculation of overall readiness (formulas are not changed). 

Category Score Colours on Assessment Dashboard (CRA)Category Score Colours on Assessment Dashboard (CRA)

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