After a PDRI Assessment has been completed, it can be reviewed from the Review Mode.
The Assessment Review Mode allows users to view the assessment details in a read-only view. This is the primary view accessible to Stakeholder users, and can also be accessed by users with Facilitator and Admin roles.
This view is beneficial to facilitators and project leaders who can easily present Assessment results to a group and quickly respond to questions by drilling down into sections, categories and elements/factors to provide more detail.
Accessing Assessment Review
The Assessment Review feature is accessed by:
1) Clicking on the project to view related Assessments
2) Clicking on the Assessment name to enter review mode.
Accessing the Assessment Review
Assessment Summary Dashboard (PDRI)
Within a PDRI Assessment, users can view the following Assessment summary pages:

Note: The tabs differ slightly by PDRI Assessment template.
- Assessment Summary. A visual comparison of the project score to the company and industry average, along with the published Executive Summary. You can click the Print button to download the Executive Summary. Clicking on the 'Export Element Details' button downloads a .CSV file with relevant element data from the Assessment. Review the Export Element Details article to learn more about the element information that is exported.
Assessment Summary
- Action items. Action items can be filtered based on the Status dropdown, and exported as a .CSV file.
- Attendees. Lists all Assessment attendees.
- Summary of Gaps. Elements can be filtered to show Maturity Elements, Accuracy Factors, or all PDRI Elements. Click on the element name to view the element description and the number of action items to view the specific action items captured. Click on the header titles to sort the dashboard view.
- Section Summary. This tab shows the scores for each of the PDRI Sections. Since PDRI scores should decrease as scope definition increases, project teams want the inside circle to be as small as possible. However, scoring differs for the Accuracy section, which aims to have a high score.
- A % Complete value is shown for each of the circle graphs. This shows how close this section is to being fully defined. All sections (including Accuracy) should aim to increase their % Complete score. To view how this score is being calculated, click on the blue hyperlinked value.
- Select the inside circle within a circle graph to update the bar graph below. On the bar graph, click on the blue Project bar to drill down to review the section details.
Section Summary
% Complete Calculation on Section Summary- Basis of Project Decision. Click on the circle graphs to updates the bar graph below. On the bar graph, click on the blue Project bar to review the full assessment details for that category.
Basis of Project Decision Summary
- Basis of Design. Click on the circle graphs to updates the bar graph below. On the bar graph, click on the blue Project bar to review the full assessment details for that category.
- Execution Approach. Click on the circle graphs to updates the bar graph below. On the bar graph, click on the blue Project bar to review the full assessment details for that category.
- Accuracy (if applicable). Click on the circle graphs to updates the bar graph below. On the bar graph, click on the blue Project bar to review the full assessment details for that category.
Accuracy Summary

Users cannot edit information on in Review Mode dashboard. Any changes must be made from within the Assessment (Prepare link).