First Steps in Getting Started with Carve

First Steps in Getting Started with Carve

To help you get started with using Carve, here are the first articles to start with:
  1. Adding New Template(s): While setting up a new Carve account, Company admin users choose what assessment templates will be activated. Afterwards, Company Admin and Business Admin users can easily add templates at any point to accommodate their organization's changing needs.

  2. Navigating Carve: A quick overview of the Carve interface

  3. Create & Manage Users: Most organizations will see project teams evolve and will need to add or delete users over time. Users are managed by your Company Admin (role).

  4. Create & Manage Portfolios: By aggregating the data within a portfolio, it is possible to compare projects, identify potential areas for continuous improvement, and conduct performance benchmarking. 

  5. Create & Manage Projects: Within Carve, Assessments are contained in Projects, which can be assigned to Portfolios. Projects can contain Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) Assessments, Construction Readiness Assessments (CRA), and Commissioning & Operational Readiness Assessments.

  6. Create Assessments: Carve contains three types of assessments, PDRI (Front End Planning), Construction Readiness Assessment, Commissioning & Operational Readiness Assessment. Based on the organizations' subscription they will have access to one or more of these assessments.
    1. Create a PDRI Assessment
    2. Create a Construction Readiness Assessment
    3. Create a Commissioning & Operational Readiness Assessment

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